Organisation, Finances, Production, Fulfilment, Inter and Intra Project Communications
Previous experience:
- Heroine Impact: A Genshin Impact Fanzine - same roles as here; Managing a team of 65+ people. The final product was a B5 sized 220+ pages book, a companion 85 pgs artbook, and merchandise
- Academy Emblem: A Fire Emblem Fanzine - Same roles as here, Communication. Managing a team of over 60 people. The final product was an A4 sized 220 pages book and merch
- The Immaculate One: A Fire Emblem Fanzine - Finances, Production and Fullfilment
- Nacre: A Fire Emblem Fanzine - Communications, Social Media, Finances, Production, Fulfillment.
- Participated in over 10 zines over two fandoms as an artist or merch artist.
- PhD student in Natural Sciences - project management and execution
Small Store Owner:
FANMERCH STORE: Studio Nerinea
TWITTER: nerineaArt
Graphic Design
Previous experience:
- Heroine Impact: A Genshin Impact Fanzine - branding and graphic design
- Kaleidoscopic: A KNY Fanzine - Co-head mod, lead designer
- Wisteria Saga: A KNY Fanzine - Co-head mod, lead designer
- Carpe Diem: A Genshin Impact Zine - Lead designer
- Fashion Impact: A Genshin Impact Zine - Layout Editor
- Professional Graphic Designer
- Several various zines as a contributor (mostly writer and designer)
TWITTER: @onijiann
Layout, Branding
Previous Experience:
- Heroine Impact: A Genshin Impact Fanzine - layout
- Glazed Moon - A Genshin Impact Fanzine - layout
- Academy Emblem: A Fire Emblem Zine - Lead Designer, Layout.
- Genshin Tarot - Lead Designer.
- Fire Emblem 3H Chess Project - Lead Designer.
- Call My Name!: A MayaKuro Fanzine - head Mod, Designer, Layout.
- Professional Graphic Designer
- Several various zines as a contributor (either illustrator, designer, or both)
TWITTER: @sorryoutofrice
Writing Manager and Coordinator, Intra Project Communications
Previous experience:
Heroine Impact Volume I
You: a Beiguang zine - same as here -
放浪秋: a Kazuha AU zine - same as here
Sun Kissed - same as here
Teyvat Date Night - Technical Moderation
- Yatagarasu: a Kujou Sara zine - same as here
- Professional editor, semi-professional writer
- Participated in several various zines as a contributor (writer)
TUMBLR: @outranks
TWITTER: @prismabee
Social Media
Previous experience:
Taberu - same as here
Glazed Moon - same as here
Taste of Teyvat: A Genshin impact fanzine
Klee's Adventures - same as here
Verses upon the Azure Sky - same as here
and others
TWITTER: @aiviloti
TUMBLR: @aiviloti